This is a list of useful external tools
FileToVox: converts various file formats to .vox files
FileToVox LazyGUI: minimal GUI for FileToVox
VoxMerger: merges multiple .vox scenes
IsoVoxel: generates isometric pixel art from .vox files
vox2png: converts .vox file into layered sprites and writes them to a .png file
Voxcom: a voxel compositor for .vox models
OpenGameTools: a set of lightweight tools for game development, including a .vox scene reader
VoxToVFX: imports a MagicaVoxel project to Unity3D using the VFX Graph
MagicaGN00T: .vox file importer for Unity3D
MagicaVoxelUnitySplitter: takes MagicaVoxel exported .obj meshes and splits them into separate meshes based on their voxel color
CsharpVoxReader: a generic C# reader for the .vox file format
[Deprecated] MagicaVoxelUnity: Unity3D plugin for .vox file format
AssetStore Plugins
MagicaVoxel Tools: import/export tools
MagicaVoxel Tools - Free Version: import/export tools
MagicaVoxel To Unity: create prefab from .vox and .qb file with optimized mesh
MagicaVoxel Import Tools: create optimized prefabs from .vox files
Unreal Engine
VOX4U: .vox format import plugin for Unreal Engine 4
Houdini Geo VOX: HDK GEO node which loads .vox files as Houdini volumes
Parse MagicaVoxel: npm library that parses .vox files to JavaScript objects
JVox: A MagicaVoxel model parser written in Java
Last updated
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