Shader Resources
Lachlan McDonald Shaders: shaders that simplify common and repetitive tasks
Kchapelier Voxel Shaders: small collection of voxel shaders
Eric’s MagicaVoxel Shaders: collection of shaders including terrain generator, life game, waterflow emulator, etc.
PseudoFractals Voxel Shader: shader to generate pseudofractals volumes
XELF Shaders: a collection of shaders
Patrick Seebert VoxelShader: repository of voxel shaders including Overgrowth, Corrosion and Patina
Cellular Automata Voxel Shader: generates a voxel shader from a custom Cellular Automaton rule
MagicaPlane: generates MagicaVoxel shaders from plain csv layers
FK Voxel Shader Editor: a monogame editor that can load assets from MagicaVoxel and compile them to monoshader *.fx files
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