The AIBrain Graph System

The AI Brain Graph editor is a tool used to create Corgi/TopDown Engines AI logic through a visual node editor.

The tool is built on top of xNode by Thor Brigsted.

Working with the Graph

Creating a Graph

A graph is an asset stored in your project Assets folder. To create one:

  1. Right click anywhere in the Assets folder

  2. Select Create > The Bit Cave > AI Brain Graph

  3. Rename the brain asset

  4. Double click on it to show the editor window

Creating a SubGraph

Like the graph, a subgraph is an asset stored in your project Assets folder. To create one:

  1. Right click anywhere in the Assets folder

  2. Select Create > The Bit Cave > AI Brain Graph

  3. Rename the brain asset

  4. Double click on it to show the editor window

Adding Nodes

To add nodes to the graph (or subgraph) simply right click on any free space and select the desired node.

Please check the Node Reference page for a list of available nodes.

Using a Graph on a Character

When you add a graph to a Corgi/TopDown character, the system will parse your nodes and will translate them to AIBrain/AIAction/AIDecision components.

To achieve this, all you have to do is to add one of these components:

  • AI Brain Generator: this component will generate all needed elements to the character

  • AI Brain Pluggable: similar to the previous component, but the generation will be at runtime

Please check the Corgi and TopDown getting stated tutorials for an example on how to use these components.

Last updated